Patient Name: John Doe Test Name: Coolidge Personality and Neuropsychological Inventory (CPNI)
Gender: Male Test Date: Oct 12, 2014
Patient Age: 36 Data Provided By: self
Profile Validity
Answer Frequency (response pattern):
Raw Scores:
1 = Strongly False (SF) 41 93 (40)
2 = More False Than True (MF) 54 73 (35)
3 = More True Than False (MT) 54 54 (21)
4 = Strongly True (ST) 51 30 (18)
1. 2 21. 3 41. 2 61. 2 81. 2 101. 1 121. 2 141. 3 161. 1 181. 3
2. 4 22. 1 42. 2 62. 4 82. 4 102. 3 122. 2 142. 3 162. 2 182. 4
3. 4 23. 2 43. 1 63. 3 83. 1 103. 4 123. 4 143. 1 163. 3 183. 3
4. 4 24. 1 44. 4 64. 4 84. 1 104. 3 124. 3 144. 1 164. 3 184. 4
5. 3 25. 2 45. 1 65. 3 85. 3 105. 3 125. 2 145. 2 165. 2 185. 4
6. 3 26. 2 46. 1 66. 3 86. 4 106. 2 126. 1 146. 3 166. 1 186. 1
7. 3 27. 3 47. 2 67. 4 87. 3 107. 2 127. 1 147. 3 167. 4 187. 1
8. 1 28. 2 48. 3 68. 4 88. 3 108. 2 128. 4 148. 4 168. 2 188. 2
9. 2 29. 1 49. 1 69. 3 89. 4 109. 2 129. 4 149. 1 169. 1 189. 2
10. 4 30. 2 50. 4 70. 2 90. 4 110. 3 130. 4 150. 4 170. 1 190. 1
11. 2 31. 4 51. 2 71. 1 91. 2 111. 3 131. 2 151. 2 171. 3 191. 3
12. 2 32. 2 52. 1 72. 1 92. 1 112. 3 132. 3 152. 1 172. 2 192. 3
13. 3 33. 3 53. 2 73. 4 93. 3 113. 2 133. 1 153. 4 173. 1 193. 1
14. 3 34. 2 54. 4 74. 2 94. 4 114. 4 134. 3 154. 3 174. 2 194. 4
15. 4 35. 3 55. 2 75. 2 95. 2 115. 4 135. 1 155. 3 175. 3 195. 3
16. 1 36. 2 56. 2 76. 1 96. 3 116. 4 136. 1 156. 3 176. 3 196. 2
17. 2 37. 3 57. 4 77. 4 97. 1 117. 4 137. 3 157. 4 177. 2 197. 1
18. 4 38. 4 58. 4 78. 4 98. 4 118. 2 138. 3 158. 1 178. 2 198. 4
19. 3 39. 2 59. 3 79. 2 99. 4 119. 4 139. 3 159. 3 179. 4 199. 2
20. 3 40. 1 60. 2 80. 2 100. 1 120. 2 140. 4 160. 1 180. 3 200. 1
Patient Name: John Doe Test Name: Coolidge Personality and Neuropsychological Inventory (CPNI)
Gender: Male Test Date: Oct 12, 2014
Patient Age: 36 Data Provided By: self
Scale Interpret %tile TScore 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Personality Disorders
Paranoid Personality Disorder 82% 59
Borderline Personality Disorder greatly elevated 99% 85
Dependent Personality Disorder moderately elevated 92% 64
Histrionic Personality Disorder moderately elevated 92% 64
Obsess. Compulsive Personality Disorder moderately elevated 92% 64
Schizotypal Personality Disorder greatly elevated 99% 94
Schizoid Personality Disorder 80% 58
Narcissistic Personality Disorder moderately elevated 91% 63
Conduct Disorder (Antisocial) greatly elevated 99% 89
Avoidant Personality Disorder 81% 59
Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder moderately elevated 96% 68
Depressive Personality Disorder moderately elevated 86% 61
Clinical Syndromes
Generalized Anxiety Disorder greatly elevated 99% 76
Major Depressive Disorder greatly elevated 99% 76
Separation Anxiety Disorder greatly elevated 99% 82
Oppositional Defiant Disorder greatly elevated 99% 74
Gender Dysphoria greatly elevated 99% 105
Anorexia Nervosa moderately elevated 95% 66
Bulimia Nervosa moderately elevated 96% 68
Neuropsychological Syndromes
Attention Deficit Hyper. Disorder 78% 58
AD HD Inattention Subtype 72% 56
AD HD Hyperactivity-Impulsivity Subtype 79% 58
Neurocognitive Disorder moderately elevated 97% 69
Postconcussional Disorder greatly elevated 99% 78
Executive Dysf. of the Frontal Lobes greatly elevated 99% 71
Decision-Making Problems Subscale 83% 59
Metacognitive Subscale moderately elevated 95% 67
Social Inappropriateness Subscale greatly elevated 99% 86
Neuropsychological Scales
Neuropsychological Dysfunction Scale greatly elevated 99% 72
Somatic Subscale greatly elevated 99% 93
Learning Subscale greatly elevated 98% 70
Memory Subscale 10% 37
Language Problems Subscale greatly elevated 99% 92
Perceptual Motor Subscale greatly elevated 99% 81
Subcortical Subscale greatly elevated 99% 93
Hyperactivity Subscale 81% 59
Impulsivity Subscale 63% 53
Delayed Maturation Subscale greatly elevated 99% 75
Emotional Subscale greatly elevated 98% 70
Additional Clincal Scales
Emotional Lability greatly elevated 99% 75
Disinhibition greatly elevated 99% 74
Aggression 58% 52
Apathy greatly elevated 99% 73
Paranoia moderately elevated 94% 66
Psychotic Thinking greatly elevated 99% 93
Emotional Coldness greatly elevated 99% 72
Sleep Disturbances greatly elevated 99% 84
Social Anxiety moderately elevated 93% 65
Social Withdrawl moderately elevated 95% 66
Self-Esteem greatly elevated 99% 89
Autism Spectrum Disorder moderately elevated 93% 65
Hostility Scales
Antisocial Triumvirate greatly elevated 99% 85
Dangerousness greatly elevated 99% 85
Conduct Disorder-Aggressive Subtype greatly elevated 99% 101
Conduct Disorder-Delinquent Subtype greatly elevated 99% 73
Tendency to Deny Blatant Pathology greatly elevated 99% 83
Patient Name: John Doe Test Name: Coolidge Personality and Neuropsychological Inventory (CPNI)
Gender: Male Test Date: Oct 12, 2014
Patient Age: 36 Data Provided By: self
Emotional Lability
strongly true 31. My child's emotions seem to shift rapidly and seem to be shallow.
strongly true 116. My child usually wavers between getting angry and acting sorry.
strongly true 119. My child has hurt himself or caused trouble for himself more than once because he did not think ahead.
mostly true 171. My child does not wait for the question to be finished before blurting out his answer.
mostly true 87. My child is unemotional.
strongly true 89. My child lacks empathy and is not able to understand how other people feel.
strongly true 82. My child is reluctant to confide in others because he fears that the information will be used against him.
Psychotic Thinking
mostly true 5. My child seems to see strange and unusual meanings in events, objects, or other people and connects these things to himself in a bad way.
strongly true 68. My child suspects people have a hidden reason for doing things.
strongly true 86. My child reports unusual experiences like hearing voices that are not there, seeing people's bodies change shape, or being touched when alone.
strongly true 129. When my child gets stressed, he starts to act weird or unreal, or paranoid.
mostly true 154. My child acts or looks odd or weird compared to other children.
strongly true 198. My child laughs at the wrong times.
Emotional Coldness
mostly true 87. My child is unemotional.
strongly true 89. My child lacks empathy and is not able to understand how other people feel.
Sleep Disturbances
mostly true 59. My child has terrible nightmares.
mostly true 111. My child sleeps too much.
strongly true 115. My child is afraid to go to sleep without me being near.
mostly true 134. My child has trouble staying asleep.
mostly true 191. My child has trouble falling asleep.
Social Anxiety
strongly true 82. My child is reluctant to confide in others because he fears that the information will be used against him.
strongly true 90. My child is shy around new children because he has no self confidence.
mostly true 105. My child is afraid of social situations because he is afraid of other people.
Social Withdrawl
strongly true 50. My child neither desires nor enjoys close relationships, including our family.
strongly true 82. My child is reluctant to confide in others because he fears that the information will be used against him.
strongly true 90. My child is shy around new children because he has no self confidence.
mostly true 33. My child has low self-esteem and feels worthless.
strongly true 90. My child is shy around new children because he has no self confidence.
strongly true 130. My child has trouble doing things on his own because of lack of self confidence.
Autism Spectrum Disorder
mostly true 5. My child seems to see strange and unusual meanings in events, objects, or other people and connects these things to himself in a bad way.
mostly true 14. My child often loses his temper.
mostly true 21. My child seems irritable.
strongly true 31. My child's emotions seem to shift rapidly and seem to be shallow.
strongly true 50. My child neither desires nor enjoys close relationships, including our family.
mostly true 87. My child is unemotional.
strongly true 89. My child lacks empathy and is not able to understand how other people feel.
mostly true 105. My child is afraid of social situations because he is afraid of other people.
strongly true 114. My child is too touchy or easily annoyed.
strongly true 129. When my child gets stressed, he starts to act weird or unreal, or paranoid.
mostly true 154. My child acts or looks odd or weird compared to other children.
strongly true 198. My child laughs at the wrong times.
Hostility Scales
Antisocial Triumvirate
mostly true 155. My child has been cruel to animals.
mostly true 14. My child often loses his temper.
mostly true 21. My child seems irritable.
mostly true 27. My child avoids physical fights with others.
strongly true 44. My child has full control of his anger. For example, I rarely observe displays of temper, constant anger, or recurrent physical fights.
mostly true 48. My child used a dangerous weapon that could seriously harm someone else.
strongly true 64. My child bears grudges for a long time.
mostly true 65. My child has threatened or tried to commit suicide, or has hurt himself on purpose.
mostly true 69. My child has forced someone into sexual activity.
mostly true 88. My child is cruel to others.
mostly true 124. My child is angry and resentful.
mostly true 155. My child has been cruel to animals.
strongly true 157. My child has robbed someone face-to-face, like mugging or purse-snatching.
Conduct Disorder-Aggressive Subtype
mostly true 27. My child avoids physical fights with others.
mostly true 48. My child used a dangerous weapon that could seriously harm someone else.
mostly true 69. My child has forced someone into sexual activity.
mostly true 88. My child is cruel to others.
mostly true 155. My child has been cruel to animals.
strongly true 157. My child has robbed someone face-to-face, like mugging or purse-snatching.
Conduct Disorder-Delinquent Subtype
mostly true 6. My child often skips school.
mostly true 141. My child often lies or "cons" others.
mostly true 164. My child stays out at night without permission (beginning before age 13).
Tendency to Deny Blatant Pathology
strongly true 2. My child makes friends quickly, but soon after seems to hate them.
strongly true 3. My child does not finish things because he tries to do them perfectly.
mostly true 5. My child seems to see strange and unusual meanings in events, objects, or other people and connects these things to himself in a bad way.
mostly true 6. My child often skips school.
mostly true 7. My child takes advantage of other children.
strongly true 10. I think my child exaggerates his emotions.
mostly true 13. My child has difficulty playing quietly.
mostly true 14. My child often loses his temper.
strongly true 15. My child gets very upset when having to leave me or home.
strongly true 18. My son says he is, or wants to be, a girl.
mostly true 19. My child pouts and argues.
mostly true 20. My child is usually unhappy.
mostly true 21. My child seems irritable.
strongly true 31. My child's emotions seem to shift rapidly and seem to be shallow.
mostly true 33. My child has low self-esteem and feels worthless.
mostly true 35. My child has trouble paying attention.
mostly true 37. My child worries a lot about something bad happening to me.
strongly true 38. My child stutters.
mostly true 48. My child used a dangerous weapon that could seriously harm someone else.
strongly true 50. My child neither desires nor enjoys close relationships, including our family.
strongly true 54. My child is depressed.
strongly true 57. My child defies or refuses to do what adults ask him to do.
strongly true 58. My child worries a lot about getting separated from me or getting kidnapped.
mostly true 59. My child has terrible nightmares.
strongly true 62. My child denies that he is seriously underweight.
mostly true 63. My son likes to dress like a girl.
strongly true 64. My child bears grudges for a long time.
mostly true 65. My child has threatened or tried to commit suicide, or has hurt himself on purpose.
mostly true 66. My child is too concerned with right and wrong. He is stubborn about morals, ethics, or values.
strongly true 67. My child volunteers to do unpleasant things so people will like him.
strongly true 68. My child suspects people have a hidden reason for doing things.
mostly true 69. My child has forced someone into sexual activity.
strongly true 73. My child makes the same mistake over and over without trying to do it a different way.
strongly true 77. My child tries to annoy people on purpose.
strongly true 78. My child is afraid to leave me (e.g. going to school).
strongly true 82. My child is reluctant to confide in others because he fears that the information will be used against him.
mostly true 85. My child feels uncomfortable or helpless when alone because he fears being unable to take care of himself.
strongly true 86. My child reports unusual experiences like hearing voices that are not there, seeing people's bodies change shape, or being touched when alone.
mostly true 87. My child is unemotional.
mostly true 88. My child is cruel to others.
strongly true 89. My child lacks empathy and is not able to understand how other people feel.
strongly true 90. My child is shy around new children because he has no self confidence.
mostly true 93. Recently, my child has had a big change in his appetite.
strongly true 94. My child has poor coordination. He is awkward and clumsy.
mostly true 96. My child blames others for his mistakes.
strongly true 98. My child complains that it does not pay to be good or that good things do not last.
strongly true 99. My child is a pessimist.
mostly true 102. My child tries very hard to avoid being alone or feeling abandoned.
strongly true 103. My child is unable to throw away worn-out or worthless objects even when they have no sentimental value.
mostly true 104. My child agrees with almost any opinion in order to be liked.
mostly true 105. My child is afraid of social situations because he is afraid of other people.
mostly true 110. My child has trouble makings plans to do things.
mostly true 111. My child sleeps too much.
mostly true 112. My child still poops his pants.
strongly true 114. My child is too touchy or easily annoyed.
strongly true 115. My child is afraid to go to sleep without me being near.
strongly true 116. My child usually wavers between getting angry and acting sorry.
strongly true 117. My son likes to pretend he is a girl.
strongly true 119. My child has hurt himself or caused trouble for himself more than once because he did not think ahead.
strongly true 123. My child has trouble seeing how things fit together, like doing puzzles.
mostly true 124. My child is angry and resentful.
strongly true 128. My child is uncertain about who he is, what he wants, or what kind of friends to have.
strongly true 129. When my child gets stressed, he starts to act weird or unreal, or paranoid.
strongly true 130. My child has trouble doing things on his own because of lack of self confidence.
mostly true 132. My child seems to have a lot of fantasies about being beautiful, popular, or finding the girl of his dreams.
mostly true 134. My child has trouble staying asleep.
mostly true 137. My child is spiteful or tries to get even.
mostly true 138. My child gets sick (headaches, stomach aches, vomiting) when he thinks he has to be separated from me.
mostly true 139. My child does not follow instructions and fails to finish homework or chores.
strongly true 140. My son likes to play with girls more than he likes to play with boys.
mostly true 141. My child often lies or "cons" others.
mostly true 142. My child has a style of speech that is dramatic but vague.
mostly true 146. My child acts like he is better than others.
mostly true 147. My child avoids or dislikes tasks that require a lot of thinking.
strongly true 148. My child has trouble speaking.
strongly true 150. My son is not comfortable being a boy.
strongly true 153. My child talks too much or talks all the time.
mostly true 154. My child acts or looks odd or weird compared to other children.
mostly true 155. My child has been cruel to animals.
mostly true 156. My child was potty trained later than usual.
strongly true 157. My child has robbed someone face-to-face, like mugging or purse-snatching.
mostly true 159. My child has trouble listening when spoken to.
mostly true 163. My child runs around and climbs on things too much.
mostly true 164. My child stays out at night without permission (beginning before age 13).
strongly true 167. My child speaks slowly because he often has trouble coming up with the right word.
mostly true 171. My child does not wait for the question to be finished before blurting out his answer.
mostly true 175. My child has trouble understanding what people say.
mostly true 176. My child has trouble writing letters of the alphabet, or writes some letters backward.
strongly true 179. My child exercises more than he should to avoid gaining weight.
mostly true 181. My child takes a long time to learn new things.
strongly true 182. My child seems tired nearly every day.
mostly true 183. My child has trouble learning new things.
strongly true 184. My child gets so worried about details, list or schedules that he forgets what he is supposed to be doing.
strongly true 185. My child has trouble organizing tasks and activities.
mostly true 191. My child has trouble falling asleep.
mostly true 192. My child has trouble with arithmetic.
strongly true 194. My child has headaches.
mostly true 195. My child learned to talk later than other children.
strongly true 198. My child laughs at the wrong times.
Patient Name: John Doe Test Name: Coolidge Personality and Neuropsychological Inventory (CPNI)
Gender: Male Test Date: Oct 12, 2014
Patient Age: 36 Data Provided By: self
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
No critical items endorsed
Other Critical Items
mostly true 33. My child has low self-esteem and feels worthless.
strongly true 38. My child stutters.
mostly true 59. My child has terrible nightmares.
mostly true 65. My child has threatened or tried to commit suicide, or has hurt himself on purpose.
mostly true 69. My child has forced someone into sexual activity.
Patient Name: John Doe Test Name: Coolidge Personality and Neuropsychological Inventory (CPNI)
Gender: Male Test Date: Oct 12, 2014
Patient Age: 36 Data Provided By: self
Scale %tile TScore
Unusual Beliefs and Experiences 99% 75
Callousness 95% 67
Eccentricity 93% 65
Separation Insecurity 89% 62
Risk Taking 83% 59
Emotional Lability 76% 57
Restricted Affectivity 76% 57
Submissiveness 74% 57
Hostility 73% 56
Grandiosity 72% 56
Manipulativeness 67% 54
Perceptual Dysregulation 63% 53
Withdrawal 59% 52
Suspiciousness 53% 51
Irresponsibility 55% 51
Anhedonia 49% 50
Attention Seeking 44% 48
Perseveration 43% 48
Depressivity 39% 47
Deceitfulness 40% 47
Intimacy Avoidance 24% 43
Anxiousness 18% 41
Rigid Perfectionism 8% 36
Impulsivity 5% 33
Distractibility 1% 26
Patient Name: John Doe Test Name: Coolidge Personality and Neuropsychological Inventory (CPNI)
Gender: Male Test Date: Oct 12, 2014
Patient Age: 36 Data Provided By: self
Scale Interpret %tile TScore 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Personality Disorders
Borderline Personality Disorder greatly elevated 99% 85
Dependent Personality Disorder moderately elevated 92% 64
Histrionic Personality Disorder moderately elevated 92% 64
Obsess. Compulsive Personality Disorder moderately elevated 92% 64
Schizotypal Personality Disorder greatly elevated 99% 94
Narcissistic Personality Disorder moderately elevated 91% 63
Conduct Disorder (Antisocial) greatly elevated 99% 89
Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder moderately elevated 96% 68
Depressive Personality Disorder moderately elevated 86% 61
Clinical Syndromes
Generalized Anxiety Disorder greatly elevated 99% 76
Major Depressive Disorder greatly elevated 99% 76
Separation Anxiety Disorder greatly elevated 99% 82
Oppositional Defiant Disorder greatly elevated 99% 74
Gender Dysphoria greatly elevated 99% 105
Anorexia Nervosa moderately elevated 95% 66
Bulimia Nervosa moderately elevated 96% 68
Neuropsychological Syndromes
Neurocognitive Disorder moderately elevated 97% 69
Postconcussional Disorder greatly elevated 99% 78
Executive Dysf. of the Frontal Lobes greatly elevated 99% 71
Metacognitive Subscale moderately elevated 95% 67
Social Inappropriateness Subscale greatly elevated 99% 86
Neuropsychological Scales
Neuropsychological Dysfunction Scale greatly elevated 99% 72
Somatic Subscale greatly elevated 99% 93
Learning Subscale greatly elevated 98% 70
Language Problems Subscale greatly elevated 99% 92
Perceptual Motor Subscale greatly elevated 99% 81
Subcortical Subscale greatly elevated 99% 93
Delayed Maturation Subscale greatly elevated 99% 75
Emotional Subscale greatly elevated 98% 70
Additional Clincal Scales
Emotional Lability greatly elevated 99% 75
Disinhibition greatly elevated 99% 74
Apathy greatly elevated 99% 73
Paranoia moderately elevated 94% 66
Psychotic Thinking greatly elevated 99% 93
Emotional Coldness greatly elevated 99% 72
Sleep Disturbances greatly elevated 99% 84
Social Anxiety moderately elevated 93% 65
Social Withdrawl moderately elevated 95% 66
Self-Esteem greatly elevated 99% 89
Autism Spectrum Disorder moderately elevated 93% 65
Hostility Scales
Antisocial Triumvirate greatly elevated 99% 85
Dangerousness greatly elevated 99% 85
Conduct Disorder-Aggressive Subtype greatly elevated 99% 101
Conduct Disorder-Delinquent Subtype greatly elevated 99% 73
Tendency to Deny Blatant Pathology greatly elevated 99% 83