All of the Coolidge Tests are available for a small fee per test to licensed professionals in the field of Psychology. To use the tests, you must first become a registered provider.

To become a registered provider, please email your CV to Professor Frederick L. Coolidge, PhD, Psychology Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs [fcoolidg@uccs.edu].

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The CATI is a 260-item psychopathology and neuropsychological inventory for ages 15 and above, and it is aligned with the criteria in DSM-5-TR. There are two forms: self-report and significant-other. The CATI assesses over 40 clinical and neuropsychological disorders including 14 personality disorders, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, PTSD, adult ADHD, the DSM-5-R’s six neurocognitive domains, and its five personality disorder domains and their 25 facets. The CATI also has scales measuring the Big Five personality domains (OCEAN). The CATI has norms on thousands of clinical and nonclinical samples.

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The CPNI is designed to assess psychopathology and neuropsychological dysfunction in children and adolescents ages 5 to 17 years old. The CPNI is a 200-item, parent-as-respondent inventory that assesses over 35 clinical and neuropsychological disorders, and it is aligned with the diagnoses in DSM-5, including 10 childhood personality disorders, conduct disorder, ADHD, oppositional defiant disorder, separation anxiety disorder, depression, maturational delay, autism, gender dysphoria, and neurocognitive dysfunction. The CPNI norms are based on 780 children and adolescents (30 boys and 30 girls at each age level from 5 to 17 years old).

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The Short-Form of the Coolidge Axis II Inventory (SCATI)

The SCATI is a 70-item inventory that assesses five primary criteria for 14 personality disorders, according to DSM-IV-TR (12 personality disorders) and DSM-III-R (sadistic and self-defeating personality disorders). There are three versions: a self-report form, and two significant other forms (one for reporting about a male adult and one for reporting about a female adult). The SCATI has demonstrated reliability and validity, and it has been designed and normed on adults ages 15 and older. The SCATI can be used to assess the presence of personality disorders and differentiate among 14 personality disorders.

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The CCI is a 250-item, self-report personality and neuropsychological inventory that assesses over 40 clinical and neuropsychological disorders. It is specifically designed for inmates of jails and prisons ages 15 years old and above. The CCI is aligned with the diagnoses in DSM-5 and assesses anger, dangerousness, impulsiveness, 14 personality disorders, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, adult ADHD, neurocognitive disorders such as mild neurocognitive disorders and executive dysfunction of the frontal lobes. The CCI has excellent scale reliability and test-retest reliability and has been normed and validated on over 28,000 inmates in the past 6 years.

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The CASS is a 39-item, parent-as-respondent inventory that has been designed to assess the Autism Spectrum Disorder according to the criteria in the new DSM-5. It is appropriate for children ages 1 year old to 3 years old, and it has been empirically demonstrated to be able to diagnose children in the Autism Spectrum from mild to severe and to be able to distinguish between children in the Autism Spectrum from purportedly normal children. The CASS-T is highly reliable and has been validated on samples of children with established diagnoses of Autism (mild to severe).

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The CASS is an 84-item, parent-as-respondent inventory that has been designed to assess the Autism Spectrum Disorder according to the criteria in the new DSM-5. It is appropriate for children ages 3 years old to 17 years old, and it has been empirically demonstrated to be able to diagnose children in the Autism Spectrum from mild to severe, including children diagnosed with Autism, Asperger's Disorder, and High Functioning Autism. The CASS has also been empirically demonstrated to be able to distinguish between children in the Autism Spectrum from purportedly normal children and children with traits and features of or a suspected diagnosis of Schizoid Personality Disorder. The CASS is highly reliable and has been validated on multiple samples of children diagnosed with Autism (mild to severe), Asperger's Disorder, High Functioning Autism, Schizoid Personality Disorder, and purportedly normal children.

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Horney-Coolidge Tridimensional Inventory (HCTI)

The HCTI is a 57-item personality measure based on the theory of the revolutionary psychoanalyst Karen Horney (1885-1992) that normal people move freely along three dimensions: Moving Toward Others (Compliant Type), Moving Against Others (Aggressive Type), or Moving Away from Others (Detached Type). Horney proposed that neurotic individuals were often fixated along a single dimension. The HCTI has empirically demonstrated test-retest and scale reliability and construct validity (with modern personality disorders), and the HCTI has norms on 630 purportedly normal people age 15 years old to 90 years old.

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