Jane Doe
Patient Age: 70
Test Name: Coolidge Axis II Inventory (CATI)
Gender: Female
Test Date: May 13, 2013
Data Provided By: Self

Note: This is a Sample Report

Profile Validity - Answer Frequency (response pattern)
Raw Scores: Patient Norm
1 = Strongly False (SF) 80 93 (40)
2 = More False Than True (MF) 34 73 (35)
3 = More True Than False (MT) 78 54 (21)
4 = Strongly True (ST) 58 30 (18)
1. 3 26. 1 51. 4 76. 1 101. 4 126. 3 151. 3 176. 3 201. 1 226. 2
2. 3 27. 3 52. 2 77. 1 102. 4 127. 1 152. 3 177. 1 202. 3 227. 3
3. 4 28. 1 53. 3 78. 1 103. 4 128. 1 153. 3 178. 1 203. 1 228. 3
4. 3 29. 4 54. 2 79. 3 104. 2 129. 2 154. 3 179. 4 204. 3 229. 3
5. 3 30. 2 55. 4 80. 2 105. 2 130. 4 155. 3 180. 1 205. 4 230. 3
6. 3 31. 1 56. 1 81. 4 106. 1 131. 3 156. 3 181. 2 206. 3 231. 3
7. 1 32. 4 57. 1 82. 1 107. 3 132. 3 157. 2 182. 1 207. 4 232. 2
8. 4 33. 4 58. 1 83. 4 108. 1 133. 1 158. 2 183. 3 208. 3 233. 3
9. 1 34. 1 59. 4 84. 1 109. 2 134. 4 159. 3 184. 1 209. 4 234. 3
10. 1 35. 4 60. 4 85. 1 110. 1 135. 3 160. 2 185. 4 210. 4 235. 3
11. 3 36. 1 61. 2 86. 4 111. 2 136. 1 161. 1 186. 1 211. 3 236. 2
12. 3 37. 3 62. 1 87. 1 112. 3 137. 2 162. 4 187. 4 212. 3 237. 2
13. 2 38. 4 63. 4 88. 1 113. 1 138. 1 163. 3 188. 2 213. 1 238. 3
14. 3 39. 1 64. 4 89. 4 114. 1 139. 3 164. 2 189. 3 214. 2 239. 3
15. 1 40. 4 65. 1 90. 3 115. 2 140. 4 165. 1 190. 1 215. 3 240. 2
16. 3 41. 3 66. 4 91. 4 116. 3 141. 4 166. 3 191. 4 216. 2 241. 3
17. 1 42. 2 67. 3 92. 3 117. 3 142. 1 167. 1 192. 4 217. 4 242. 3
18. 1 43. 4 68. 4 93. 1 118. 1 143. 1 168. 4 193. 3 218. 1 243. 2
19. 1 44. 3 69. 3 94. 4 119. 1 144. 1 169. 2 194. 4 219. 3 244. 3
20. 1 45. 3 70. 1 95. 4 120. 2 145. 1 170. 1 195. 3 220. 3 245. 4
21. 3 46. 3 71. 4 96. 3 121. 1 146. 1 171. 2 196. 1 221. 4 246. 1
22. 4 47. 1 72. 1 97. 4 122. 4 147. 4 172. 3 197. 2 222. 4 247. 4
23. 1 48. 3 73. 4 98. 4 123. 4 148. 1 173. 1 198. 1 223. 3 248. 4
24. 3 49. 1 74. 1 99. 3 124. 1 149. 3 174. 1 199. 3 224. 3 249. 1
25. 1 50. 1 75. 1 100. 1 125. 3 150. 2 175. 2 200. 1 225. 3 250. 4
Scale Interpret %tile TScore
Maladjustment Scale 72% 56
Validity Scales
Denial - Malingering normal: (Raw Score=208)
Random No evidence of random reporting: 0
Personality Disorder Scales
Narcissistic Personality Disorder 22% 42
Avoidant Personality Disorder 77% 57
Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder moderately elevated 94% 65
Depressive Personality Disorder greatly elevated 99% 81
Schizotypal Personality Disorder 66% 54
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder moderately elevated 83% 60
Borderline Personality Disorder 69% 55
Sadistic Personality Disorder 49% 50
Histrionic Personality Disorder 69% 55
Schizoid Personality Disorder 41% 48
Antisocial Personality Disorder moderately elevated 96% 68
Paranoid Personality Disorder 57% 52
Dependent Personality Disorder moderately elevated 94% 65
Self-Defeating Personality Disorder greatly elevated 99% 87
Clinical Syndromes
Anxiety moderately elevated 87% 61
Depression moderately elevated 95% 66
Schizophrenia moderately elevated 84% 60
- Psychotic Thinking 79% 58
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder moderately elevated 84% 60
Social Phobia 32% 45
Social Withdrawl 26% 44
Neuropsychological Syndromes
General Neuropsychological Dysfunction 78% 58
- Language Difficulties Subscale 49% 50
- Memory Problems Subscale moderately elevated 86% 61
- Neurosomatic Problems Subscale 75% 57
Neurocognitive Disorder greatly elevated 99% 72
Executive Dysfunctions of the Frontal Lobes
General Executive Dysfunctions greatly elevated 99% 77
- Decision Making Difficulties Subscale greatly elevated 99% 71
- Poor Planning Subscale 54% 51
- Task Completion Difficulties Subscale greatly elevated 99% 76
Global Working Memory Problems greatly elevated 99% 75
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
ADHD Inattention Subtype greatly elevated 99% 71
ADHD Hyperactive/Impulsive Type moderately elevated 91% 63
ADHD Combined Type greatly elevated 99% 71
Dangerousness 77% 57
Anger Problems 38% 47
Impulsivity 79% 58
Clinical Scales
Depersonalization Disorder 43% 48
Easily Frustrated 9% 36
Introversion-Extroversion Scale strongly extroverted: (Raw Score=73)
Early Juvenile Deliquency Problems moderately elevated 88% 62
Eccentric or Bizarre Behavior moderately elevated 86% 61
Personality Disorder Scales
Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder
mostly true 27. People make me angry.
strongly false 28. I do not waste time; that is, I do not put off things that need to be done.
strongly false 34. People think I am too tied to my job or work.
strongly true 38. I fail to finish jobs even when I have the skill to do them.
strongly true 86. I am not very sure of myself.
mostly true 90. I will sometimes work slowly or do a bad job if it is something I did not want to do.
strongly false 113. I hardly ever feel like people want too much out of me.
mostly false 115. Neither good things nor bad things people say about me bothers me.
mostly false 120. It takes a lot to bug me.
mostly true 126. I often forget to do things I am supposed to do.
mostly true 152. I don't like others telling me how I could do more.
mostly false 160. People rarely tell me that I have not done my share of the work.
mostly true 219. I've had more than my fair share of trouble in life.
strongly true 222. After I'm angry at someone, I am sorry and ask for forgiveness.
mostly true 223. I believe in the saying, 'Good things don't last.'
Depressive Personality Disorder
mostly true 202. I am unhappy most of the time.
strongly true 205. I feel worthless.
strongly true 207. I put myself down a lot.
strongly true 209. I worry a lot.
mostly true 215. I tend to judge others badly.
strongly true 217. I feel guilty a lot of the time.
strongly true 221. I think everything will turn out badly.
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
mostly true 12. I am easily hurt by being criticized or by someone not liking me.
mostly true 24. My need to be perfect stops me from finishing a job on time.
strongly true 38. I fail to finish jobs even when I have the skill to do them.
mostly true 41. I like to make full plans for my time off or rest time.
mostly true 53. I am very worried about small things, lists, or schedules before I begin a job.
strongly true 60. Often, I cannot finish a job because I set my goals too high.
mostly false 115. Neither good things nor bad things people say about me bothers me.
strongly true 130. I have turned down a lot of chances to have a good time (like vacation).
mostly true 135. People have told me that I am too picky.
mostly true 166. I keep worn-out or worthless things even when they do not have any memory value.
mostly true 189. I like to be really together and have everything in order before I get ready to do something.
strongly true 191. I have trouble finishing things on time because I spend too much time getting ready.
strongly true 192. I set very high morals and the right way to do things for myself and others.
mostly true 204. I have been told that I can\'t change or I am stubborn.
strongly true 209. I worry a lot.
mostly true 215. I tend to judge others badly.
mostly true 224. I don't find much pleasure in life.
Antisocial Personality Disorder
mostly true 2. I have had a lot of different jobs in the last few years.
mostly true 5. Before the age of 15, I was a big liar.
mostly true 27. People make me angry.
mostly false 30. I have never hit anyone in any of my relationships.
strongly false 34. People think I am too tied to my job or work.
strongly true 40. Before the age of 15, I ran away from home overnight more than once.
mostly true 46. Before the age of 15, I stole from others more than once (shoplifting, forgery, etc.).
strongly true 51. I have quit more than one job without having plans for my next job.
strongly true 71. I have traveled around without a job, a clear goal, or a travel plan.
strongly true 73. I have been very thoughtless in my spending money, or sex, drug use, shoplifting, reckless driving, or binge eating.
strongly false 82. It takes a lot to make me uptight.
strongly true 89. People consider me to be a rebel.
mostly true 92. I have been mean in order to control someone in my care.
strongly false 93. I have little or no desire to have sex with another person.
strongly true 95. Before the age of 15, I often skipped school.
strongly true 101. I have lived without a mailing address for more than a month.
mostly false 120. It takes a lot to bug me.
strongly false 138. I would never frighten others to get them to do things I want them to do.
strongly false 144. I have never been accused of hurting, neglecting, or mistreating a child.
strongly false 145. I have never been a bad parent.
strongly false 148. When I lose a close friend, I feel finished or helpless.
Dependent Personality Disorder
mostly true 12. I am easily hurt by being criticized or by someone not liking me.
mostly true 16. I get advice or the O.K. from others before I make small decisions.
strongly false 19. I get by in my life without help from others.
mostly true 21. I have trouble deciding things everyday.
strongly true 32. Other people make most of my important decisions.
strongly false 49. I hardly ever let others make big decisions in my life, like where to live or what job to take, etc.
strongly true 68. I feel useless and helpless a lot of the time.
mostly true 69. I am very bothered if people don't like me.
strongly false 74. I enjoy deciding things myself without help from others.
strongly true 81. I agree with other people, even if I know that they are wrong, because I'm afraid they won't like me.
strongly true 86. I am not very sure of myself.
strongly true 122. I have done ugly things or put myself down in order to get people to like me.
mostly true 135. People have told me that I am too picky.
strongly false 142. I am brave.
strongly true 187. I worry a lot about the problems I might have before doing something new.
Self-Defeating Personality Disorder
strongly true 3. People find me to be a nice person.
strongly false 25. I don't usually think people will use or harm me.
strongly false 26. I find life exciting.
strongly true 29. When I fall in love, I'm usually the one who ends up hurt.
strongly true 33. I have chosen people or places that have led to bad feelings, failure, or abuse.
strongly true 38. I fail to finish jobs even when I have the skill to do them.
strongly true 89. People consider me to be a rebel.
strongly true 98. I usually feel bad or guilty after something really good happens to me.
mostly true 117. I have a way of getting people really angry or upset at me and then afterward, I feel really bad about it.
strongly true 122. I have done ugly things or put myself down in order to get people to like me.
strongly true 130. I have turned down a lot of chances to have a good time (like vacation).
mostly true 152. I don't like others telling me how I could do more.
mostly true 159. I really enjoy giving money or gifts to others, even if I won't get anything back.
strongly true 162. I have tried very hard for people who didn't ask me to.
strongly true 168. I help others get ahead at the cost of my own getting ahead.
Clinical Syndromes
strongly false 9. I feel relaxed most of the time.
mostly false 13. I tend to have intense but unstable relationships.
mostly true 21. I have trouble deciding things everyday.
strongly true 33. I have chosen people or places that have led to bad feelings, failure, or abuse.
strongly true 43. People are not as loyal to me as I would like them to be.
mostly true 44. I wonder who I am most of the time.
strongly true 55. I can get sad pretty quickly.
strongly true 68. I feel useless and helpless a lot of the time.
strongly true 86. I am not very sure of myself.
mostly true 125. I am nervous to confide in others, because I fear that what I say may be used against me.
mostly true 139. I find myself feeling not part of, or distant from, other people.
strongly false 148. When I lose a close friend, I feel finished or helpless.
mostly false 150. I see myself as a person whose feelings are well controlled.
strongly true 187. I worry a lot about the problems I might have before doing something new.
mostly true 21. I have trouble deciding things everyday.
strongly false 26. I find life exciting.
mostly true 44. I wonder who I am most of the time.
strongly true 55. I can get sad pretty quickly.
strongly true 68. I feel useless and helpless a lot of the time.
mostly true 79. When people talk to me, it sounds like they are mumbling.
strongly true 86. I am not very sure of myself.
strongly true 98. I usually feel bad or guilty after something really good happens to me.
strongly true 130. I have turned down a lot of chances to have a good time (like vacation).
mostly true 131. I have said I would kill myself, or tried to, more than once in my life.
mostly true 139. I find myself feeling not part of, or distant from, other people.
mostly false 150. I see myself as a person whose feelings are well controlled.
mostly false 175. I do not often feel empty or bad.
strongly false 9. I feel relaxed most of the time.
mostly true 14. I think my memory has gotten worse in the past few years.
mostly true 21. I have trouble deciding things everyday.
strongly false 25. I don't usually think people will use or harm me.
strongly false 26. I find life exciting.
strongly true 33. I have chosen people or places that have led to bad feelings, failure, or abuse.
strongly true 43. People are not as loyal to me as I would like them to be.
mostly true 44. I wonder who I am most of the time.
strongly true 68. I feel useless and helpless a lot of the time.
mostly true 99. I have felt the presence of a force or person who was actually not there.
mostly true 116. People may think what I do or say (or how I look) is odd, unusual, or weird.
mostly true 125. I am nervous to confide in others, because I fear that what I say may be used against me.
mostly true 139. I find myself feeling not part of, or distant from, other people.
mostly true 152. I don't like others telling me how I could do more.
strongly true 162. I have tried very hard for people who didn't ask me to.
mostly true 163. I have trouble thinking straight.
strongly true 168. I help others get ahead at the cost of my own getting ahead.
strongly true 185. I wish I had the successes that other people have.
strongly true 194. I tend to not trust people.
mostly true 195. I often talk out loud to myself.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
strongly false 9. I feel relaxed most of the time.
mostly true 27. People make me angry.
mostly true 44. I wonder who I am most of the time.
strongly false 82. It takes a lot to make me uptight.
mostly false 120. It takes a lot to bug me.
mostly true 139. I find myself feeling not part of, or distant from, other people.
mostly true 163. I have trouble thinking straight.
mostly false 175. I do not often feel empty or bad.
mostly true 212. I have a memory that bothers me.
Neuropsychological Syndromes
Memory Problems Subscale
mostly true 14. I think my memory has gotten worse in the past few years.
mostly true 126. I often forget to do things I am supposed to do.
mostly true 132. I find it hard to remember anything like a new phone number.
mostly true 156. I often forget what I am about to say.
mostly true 163. I have trouble thinking straight.
Neurocognitive Disorder
mostly true 14. I think my memory has gotten worse in the past few years.
mostly true 16. I get advice or the O.K. from others before I make small decisions.
mostly true 21. I have trouble deciding things everyday.
mostly true 24. My need to be perfect stops me from finishing a job on time.
strongly false 28. I do not waste time; that is, I do not put off things that need to be done.
strongly true 32. Other people make most of my important decisions.
strongly true 38. I fail to finish jobs even when I have the skill to do them.
strongly false 49. I hardly ever let others make big decisions in my life, like where to live or what job to take, etc.
strongly true 60. Often, I cannot finish a job because I set my goals too high.
strongly false 74. I enjoy deciding things myself without help from others.
mostly true 79. When people talk to me, it sounds like they are mumbling.
mostly true 126. I often forget to do things I am supposed to do.
mostly true 132. I find it hard to remember anything like a new phone number.
strongly true 147. When I try to go somewhere, I get lost easily.
mostly true 156. I often forget what I am about to say.
mostly true 163. I have trouble thinking straight.
strongly true 191. I have trouble finishing things on time because I spend too much time getting ready.
mostly true 199. I have headaches.
mostly false 226. I am very good at doing puzzles.
Executive Dysfunctions of the Frontal Lobes
General Executive Dysfunctions
mostly true 16. I get advice or the O.K. from others before I make small decisions.
mostly true 21. I have trouble deciding things everyday.
mostly true 24. My need to be perfect stops me from finishing a job on time.
strongly false 28. I do not waste time; that is, I do not put off things that need to be done.
strongly true 32. Other people make most of my important decisions.
strongly true 38. I fail to finish jobs even when I have the skill to do them.
strongly false 49. I hardly ever let others make big decisions in my life, like where to live or what job to take, etc.
strongly true 60. Often, I cannot finish a job because I set my goals too high.
strongly false 74. I enjoy deciding things myself without help from others.
strongly true 191. I have trouble finishing things on time because I spend too much time getting ready.
Decision Making Difficulties Subscale
mostly true 16. I get advice or the O.K. from others before I make small decisions.
mostly true 21. I have trouble deciding things everyday.
strongly true 32. Other people make most of my important decisions.
strongly false 49. I hardly ever let others make big decisions in my life, like where to live or what job to take, etc.
strongly false 74. I enjoy deciding things myself without help from others.
Task Completion Difficulties Subscale
mostly true 24. My need to be perfect stops me from finishing a job on time.
strongly false 28. I do not waste time; that is, I do not put off things that need to be done.
strongly true 38. I fail to finish jobs even when I have the skill to do them.
strongly true 60. Often, I cannot finish a job because I set my goals too high.
strongly true 191. I have trouble finishing things on time because I spend too much time getting ready.
Global Working Memory Problems
mostly true 14. I think my memory has gotten worse in the past few years.
mostly true 16. I get advice or the O.K. from others before I make small decisions.
mostly true 21. I have trouble deciding things everyday.
strongly false 28. I do not waste time; that is, I do not put off things that need to be done.
strongly true 32. Other people make most of my important decisions.
strongly true 38. I fail to finish jobs even when I have the skill to do them.
strongly false 49. I hardly ever let others make big decisions in my life, like where to live or what job to take, etc.
strongly false 74. I enjoy deciding things myself without help from others.
mostly true 79. When people talk to me, it sounds like they are mumbling.
mostly true 126. I often forget to do things I am supposed to do.
mostly true 132. I find it hard to remember anything like a new phone number.
strongly true 147. When I try to go somewhere, I get lost easily.
mostly true 156. I often forget what I am about to say.
mostly true 163. I have trouble thinking straight.
strongly true 191. I have trouble finishing things on time because I spend too much time getting ready.
strongly true 245. I have problem keeping a phone number in my head that I have just read.
strongly true 247. I have trouble remembering new people's names.
strongly true 248. People often tell me that I've told them the same story before.
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
ADHD Inattention Subtype
mostly true 227. I fail to pay attention to details and I make careless mistakes.
mostly true 228. I have difficulty paying attention.
mostly true 229. I fail to listen to people when they talk to me.
mostly true 230. I have trouble following instructions.
mostly true 231. I have trouble getting organized.
mostly true 233. I lose things necessary to complete tasks.
mostly true 234. I am easily distracted.
mostly true 235. I am forgetful.
ADHD Hyperactive/Impulsive Type
mostly true 238. I am restless.
mostly true 239. People tell me that I am loud.
mostly true 241. People tell me I talk a lot.
mostly true 242. I blurt out answers before other people have finished speaking.
mostly true 244. I interrupt people when they are talking.
ADHD Combined Type
mostly true 227. I fail to pay attention to details and I make careless mistakes.
mostly true 228. I have difficulty paying attention.
mostly true 229. I fail to listen to people when they talk to me.
mostly true 230. I have trouble following instructions.
mostly true 231. I have trouble getting organized.
mostly true 233. I lose things necessary to complete tasks.
mostly true 234. I am easily distracted.
mostly true 235. I am forgetful.
mostly true 238. I am restless.
mostly true 239. People tell me that I am loud.
mostly true 241. People tell me I talk a lot.
mostly true 242. I blurt out answers before other people have finished speaking.
mostly true 244. I interrupt people when they are talking.
Clinical Scales
Early Juvenile Deliquency Problems
mostly true 5. Before the age of 15, I was a big liar.
strongly true 40. Before the age of 15, I ran away from home overnight more than once.
mostly true 46. Before the age of 15, I stole from others more than once (shoplifting, forgery, etc.).
strongly true 95. Before the age of 15, I often skipped school.
Eccentric or Bizarre Behavior
mostly true 116. People may think what I do or say (or how I look) is odd, unusual, or weird.
mostly true 154. I suspect that some people think that I act too different. For example, they may think I am weird, strange, or silly.
mostly true 195. I often talk out loud to myself.
Drug and Alcohol Items
No critical items endorsed
Food and Body Issues
mostly true 211. I have a problem with food.
Sleep Problems
strongly true 250. I have a sleep problem (nightmares, insomnia, etc.).
mostly true 4. I like to look sexy or act sexy.
mostly true 67. I am up tight when people find me sexually attractive.
mostly false 67. I am up tight when people find me sexually attractive.
strongly true 73. I have been very thoughtless in my spending money, or sex, drug use, shoplifting, reckless driving, or binge eating.
strongly false 73. I have been very thoughtless in my spending money, or sex, drug use, shoplifting, reckless driving, or binge eating.
mostly true 96. When I go out, I like to look exotic, wild, or dramatic.
strongly true 141. I have been sexually faithful to one person for more than one year.
strongly false 141. I have been sexually faithful to one person for more than one year.
mostly true 151. I question the faithfulness of my spouse or sexual partner.
Other Critical Items
mostly true 131. I have said I would kill myself, or tried to, more than once in my life.
mostly false 188. More than once, I have hurt myself badly on purpose, like cutting my wrists or smashing my fist against a wall, and so on.
mostly true 212. I have a memory that bothers me.
Scale %tile TScore
Irresponsibility 99% 91
Anhedonia 99% 87
Depressivity 99% 83
Perseveration 99% 78
Anxiousness 99% 72
Distractibility 99% 72
Separation Insecurity 99% 70
Submissiveness 97% 69
Impulsivity 96% 68
Perceptual Dysregulation 96% 67
Eccentricity 93% 65
Deceitfulness 94% 65
Rigid Perfectionism 94% 65
Suspiciousness 91% 63
Emotional Lability 87% 61
Intimacy Avoidance 81% 59
Unusual Beliefs and Experiences 78% 58
Withdrawal 73% 56
Risk Taking 62% 53
Manipulativeness 53% 51
Restricted Affectivity 47% 49
Attention Seeking 44% 48
Callousness 37% 47
Hostility 25% 43
Grandiosity 23% 42
Scale Interpret %tile TScore
No scales with T scores 60 or above
Validity Scales
Denial - Malingering moderately elevated 87% 61
Personality Disorder Scales
Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder moderately elevated 94% 65
Depressive Personality Disorder greatly elevated 99% 81
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder moderately elevated 83% 60
Antisocial Personality Disorder moderately elevated 96% 68
Dependent Personality Disorder moderately elevated 94% 65
Self-Defeating Personality Disorder greatly elevated 99% 87
Clinical Syndromes
Anxiety moderately elevated 87% 61
Depression moderately elevated 95% 66
Schizophrenia moderately elevated 84% 60
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder moderately elevated 84% 60
Neuropsychological Syndromes
Memory Problems Subscale moderately elevated 86% 61
Neurocognitive Disorder greatly elevated 99% 72
Executive Dysfunctions of the Frontal Lobes
General Executive Dysfunctions greatly elevated 99% 77
Decision Making Difficulties Subscale greatly elevated 99% 71
Task Completion Difficulties Subscale greatly elevated 99% 76
Global Working Memory Problems greatly elevated 99% 75
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
ADHD Inattention Subtype greatly elevated 99% 71
ADHD Hyperactive/Impulsive Type moderately elevated 91% 63
ADHD Combined Type greatly elevated 99% 71
No scales with T scores 60 or above
Clinical Scales
Early Juvenile Deliquency Problems moderately elevated 88% 62
Eccentric or Bizarre Behavior moderately elevated 86% 61