John Doe
Patient Age: 72
Test Name: Coolidge Correctional Inventory (CCI)
Gender: Male
Test Date: Apr 16, 2015
Data Provided By: Self

Note: This is a Sample Report

Profile Validity - Answer Frequency (response pattern)
Raw Scores: Patient Norm
1 = Strongly False (SF) 180 93 (40)
2 = More False Than True (MF) 7 73 (35)
3 = More True Than False (MT) 11 54 (21)
4 = Strongly True (ST) 2 30 (18)
1. 2 26. 1 51. 1 76. 1 101. 1 126. 1 151. 1 176. 1 201. 226.
2. 4 27. 1 52. 1 77. 3 102. 1 127. 1 152. 1 177. 1 202. 227.
3. 4 28. 3 53. 1 78. 1 103. 1 128. 1 153. 1 178. 1 203. 228.
4. 2 29. 1 54. 1 79. 1 104. 1 129. 1 154. 1 179. 1 204. 229.
5. 1 30. 1 55. 1 80. 1 105. 1 130. 1 155. 3 180. 1 205. 230.
6. 3 31. 1 56. 1 81. 1 106. 1 131. 1 156. 1 181. 1 206. 231.
7. 1 32. 1 57. 1 82. 1 107. 3 132. 1 157. 1 182. 1 207. 232.
8. 1 33. 1 58. 1 83. 1 108. 1 133. 1 158. 1 183. 1 208. 233.
9. 2 34. 3 59. 1 84. 1 109. 1 134. 1 159. 1 184. 1 209. 234.
10. 1 35. 1 60. 1 85. 1 110. 3 135. 1 160. 1 185. 1 210. 235.
11. 3 36. 1 61. 1 86. 1 111. 1 136. 1 161. 1 186. 1 211. 236.
12. 2 37. 1 62. 1 87. 1 112. 1 137. 1 162. 1 187. 1 212. 237.
13. 1 38. 1 63. 1 88. 1 113. 1 138. 1 163. 1 188. 1 213. 238.
14. 2 39. 1 64. 1 89. 2 114. 1 139. 1 164. 1 189. 1 214. 239.
15. 1 40. 1 65. 1 90. 1 115. 1 140. 1 165. 1 190. 1 215. 240.
16. 1 41. 1 66. 1 91. 1 116. 1 141. 1 166. 1 191. 1 216. 241.
17. 1 42. 1 67. 1 92. 1 117. 1 142. 1 167. 1 192. 1 217. 242.
18. 1 43. 1 68. 1 93. 1 118. 1 143. 1 168. 1 193. 1 218. 243.
19. 1 44. 1 69. 1 94. 1 119. 1 144. 1 169. 1 194. 1 219. 244.
20. 1 45. 1 70. 1 95. 1 120. 1 145. 1 170. 1 195. 1 220. 245.
21. 1 46. 1 71. 1 96. 1 121. 1 146. 1 171. 1 196. 1 221. 246.
22. 1 47. 1 72. 1 97. 1 122. 1 147. 1 172. 2 197. 1 222. 247.
23. 1 48. 3 73. 1 98. 1 123. 1 148. 1 173. 1 198. 1 223. 248.
24. 1 49. 1 74. 1 99. 1 124. 1 149. 1 174. 1 199. 1 224. 249.
25. 1 50. 1 75. 1 100. 3 125. 1 150. 3 175. 1 200. 1 225. 250.
Scale Interpret %tile TScore
Maladjustment Scale 2% 27
Validity Scales
Denial - Malingering extreme denial: (Raw Score=112)
Random No evidence of random reporting: 0
Axis II Personality Disorder Scales
Narcissistic Personality Disorder 3% 30
Avoidant Personality Disorder 52% 50
Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder 8% 35
Schizotypal Personality Disorder 18% 41
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder 2% 27
Borderline Personality Disorder 11% 37
Sadistic Personality Disorder 49% 50
Histrionic Personality Disorder 1% 20
Schizoid Personality Disorder 16% 40
Antisocial Personality Disorder moderately elevated 96% 68
Paranoid Personality Disorder 46% 49
Dependent Personality Disorder 34% 46
Self-Defeating Personality Disorder 6% 34
Axis I Clinical Syndromes
Anxiety 3% 31
Depression 26% 44
Schizophrenia 6% 34
- Psychotic Thinking 3% 31
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder 21% 42
Social Phobia 54% 51
Social Withdrawl 76% 57
Neuropsychological Syndromes
General Neuropsychological Dysfunction 3% 30
- Language Difficulties Subscale 11% 38
- Memory Problems Subscale 4% 32
- Neurosomatic Problems Subscale 3% 30
Neurocognitive Disorder 7% 35
Executive Dysfunctions of the Frontal Lobes
General Executive Dysfunctions 61% 53
- Decision Making Difficulties Subscale 56% 51
- Poor Planning Subscale moderately elevated 95% 67
- Task Completion Difficulties Subscale 5% 33
Global Working Memory Problems 7% 35
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Dangerousness moderately elevated 85% 60
Anger Problems 56% 51
Impulsivity 2% 27
Clinical Scales
Depersonalization Disorder 14% 39
Easily Frustrated 3% 31
Introversion-Extroversion Scale strongly extroverted: (Raw Score=68)
Early Juvenile Deliquency Problems 34% 46
Eccentric or Bizarre Behavior 8% 36
Axis II Personality Disorder Scales
Antisocial Personality Disorder
strongly true 2. I have had a lot of different jobs in the last few years.
strongly false 8. I am afraid to do things that might get me arrested.
strongly false 29. When I fall in love, I'm usually the one who ends up hurt.
strongly false 30. I have never hit anyone in any of my relationships.
strongly false 35. I pay back all my loans and debts.
strongly false 59. I never destroyed other people's property on purpose (like vandalism or setting fires).
strongly false 63. I would never put down or shame someone in public even if they deserved it.
strongly false 82. It takes a lot to make me uptight.
strongly false 93. I have little or no desire to have sex with another person.
strongly false 97. I have never forced anyone to have sex with me.
strongly false 103. I have never stolen from someone face-to-face (like mugging or robbing someone).
strongly false 120. It takes a lot to bug me.
strongly false 135. People have told me that I am too picky.
strongly false 138. I would never frighten others to get them to do things I want them to do.
strongly false 141. I have been sexually faithful to one person for more than one year.
strongly false 144. I have never been accused of hurting, neglecting, or mistreating a child.
strongly false 145. I have never been a bad parent.
strongly false 148. When I lose a close friend, I feel finished or helpless.
strongly false 179. I try not to get into physical fights.
Executive Dysfunctions of the Frontal Lobes
Poor Planning Subscale
strongly false 41. I like to make full plans for my time off or rest time.
strongly false 53. I am very worried about small things, lists, or schedules before I begin a job.
strongly false 189. I like to be really together and have everything in order before I get ready to do something.
strongly false 30. I have never hit anyone in any of my relationships.
strongly false 97. I have never forced anyone to have sex with me.
strongly false 102. Most of the time, I trust people more than I distrust them.
strongly false 103. I have never stolen from someone face-to-face (like mugging or robbing someone).
strongly false 138. I would never frighten others to get them to do things I want them to do.
strongly false 179. I try not to get into physical fights.
Drug and Alcohol Items
No critical items endorsed
mostly false 4. I like to look sexy or act sexy.
Other Critical Items
No critical items endorsed
Scale %tile TScore
Callousness 51% 50
Restricted Affectivity 11% 38
Anhedonia 10% 37
Submissiveness 8% 36
Withdrawal 7% 35
Unusual Beliefs and Experiences 7% 35
Risk Taking 6% 34
Suspiciousness 6% 34
Hostility 6% 34
Manipulativeness 5% 33
Emotional Lability 5% 33
Separation Insecurity 5% 33
Eccentricity 4% 32
Depressivity 3% 31
Perceptual Dysregulation 3% 30
Intimacy Avoidance 3% 30
Deceitfulness 2% 29
Anxiousness 2% 28
Irresponsibility 1% 26
Perseveration 1% 26
Grandiosity 1% 24
Impulsivity 1% 24
Distractibility 1% 22
Rigid Perfectionism 1% 20
Attention Seeking 1% 18
Scale Interpret %tile TScore
No scales with T scores 60 or above
Validity Scales
No scales with T scores 60 or above
Axis II Personality Disorder Scales
Antisocial Personality Disorder moderately elevated 96% 68
Axis I Clinical Syndromes
No scales with T scores 60 or above
Neuropsychological Syndromes
No scales with T scores 60 or above
Executive Dysfunctions of the Frontal Lobes
Poor Planning Subscale moderately elevated 95% 67
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
No scales with T scores 60 or above
Dangerousness moderately elevated 85% 60
Clinical Scales
No scales with T scores 60 or above